JavaScript API

The JavaScript API is a resource that allows you easily incorporate the digital and electronic signature feature into your application. This API opens a modal window in your application that handles everything that is required to make the signature and returns the status of the performed action to your application.

How it Works?

Before to make any signature a document should be sent to signature. It's done using our Signature Rest APIs, where you should upload a file and then submit it filling the signer's info. So, you get a response with all required data to sign from your application with the JavaScript API.

You can see this JavaScript API working in our tool Sign that simulates an integrated client. You can also download the sample page and try out.

  • Digital Signature

    The modal window uses a browser extension to perform the digital signature. The signer will be redirected to download the plugin at the first time that tries to sign.

    • Individual Signature

      You should provide the unique signature URL that is returned in the field signUrl from the API Create response.

    • Batch Signature

      In order to perform signature of a batch of documents you should provide to this API a list of document keys, such as the signer identifier for these documents, which you get from the API CreateBatch. You can also use the API Create to submit individual documents, grouping its keys for later use.

      Uses the parameter chave from the Create API response and the signer identifier must be provide.

  • Electronic Signature

    The modal window uses a PAD to capture the handwritten signature and optionally could be only a Click Through. In addition, a second authetication factor could be required to the signer, such as SMS, Access Code or FaceCheck. See how to submit a document for Electronic Signature here.






  • url

    Use /Assinatura/AssinarLoteFrame to sign a batch of documents or the complete url to sign a individual document

  • width

    Modal width

  • heigth

    Modal heigth

  • closeOnFinishbool

    Close the modal on finish the the signature(s)

  • confirmCloseConfigobject (opcional)

    Sets the confirmation message when trying to close the modal. If omitted, default message will be used.
    textMessage: Message to be displayed (Default: "Closing will stop the signing process. Confirm?"),
    textOkButton: Text for OK button (Default: "Ok"),
    textCancelButton: Text for OK Cancel button (Default: "Cancel")

  • disableCloseInProcessingnullable bool (optional)

    false: Allows you to close modal without confirmation while signing.
    If it is modal closed during signing, there will be a temporary inconsistency in the status of signatures already made, which will be updated the next time you try to sign.
    true: Disables the close action ('X' in the top-right corner of the modal), preventing its closing.
    null or undefined: Shows the confimation massage defined in parameter confirmCloseConfig


Individual Signature

Invoking the sign() method without parameters opens the modal window with the url (informed in the constructor method) for single signature.

sign().onSignCompleted(function (signStatus) {...} )


  • (without parameters)





  • signStatus int

    -1 - Error
     0 - Document already signed
     1 - Success


    new window.CertisignIntegration(
		'', //url
		//To Electronic Signature the url will be slightly different:
		850, 830, //width, height
		false, //closeOnFinish
		//{confirmCloseConfig} (optional)
		{  textOkButton: 'Yes', textCancelButton: 'No', 
		   textMessage: 'Stopping the signing process will cause signature status inconsistency. '+
                        'However, the next time you try to sign the status will be updated. '+
                        'Do you really want to interrupt the signature process?'
	.onSignCompleted(function (signStatus) {
		//Output sample: '1'



Batch Signature

Invoking the sign() method with parameters opens the modal window with the url (informed in the constructor method) for batch signature.

sign(docList, signer).onSignCompleted(function (signStatus) {...} )


  • docList array/string

    List of document keys to sign, in array format or comma-separated string
    - "A030D14B5F054A66,3EA369A2AF2B9F92"
    - ["A030D14B5F054A66","3EA369A2AF2B9F92"]

  • signerstring

    Signer identifier (In Brazil it's the CPF)




  • signStatusarray/string

    [s1,s2,s3,...] (if docList is array) - array with status for each document
    Eg. [0,-1,1]

    "s1,s2,s3,..." (if docList is a comma-separated string) - comma-separated string with status for each document
    Eg. "0,-1,1"


    new window.CertisignIntegration(
		'', //url
		1200, 560, //width, height,
		false, //closeOnFinish
		// {confirmCloseConfig} (optional)
		{  textOkButton: 'Yes', textCancelButton: 'No', 
		   textMessage: 'Stopping the signing process will cause signature status inconsistency. '+
                        'However, the next time you try to sign the status will be updated. '+
                        'Do you really want to interrupt the signature process?'
	    'A030D13B5F054A66,3EA369C2AF2B9F92', //docList: An array can also be used array: ['A030D14B5F054A66','3EA369A2AF2B9F92']
		'123.456.789-01', //signerIndividualIdentificationCode (Brazilian CPF)
	.onSignCompleted(function (signStatus) {
		//Output sample: '1,0,-1'   (or ['1','0','-1'], if "docList" was an array of strings)




Enter this page to download the sample and try out