The samples below show how to do an integration with Certisgn Signatures Services APIs on any web based system.
Fill the field below with the SignUrl received when only one document is sent to sign using the Document/Create API.
Ex.: signature requires a list of document keys, which are received when documents are sent to sign using the Document/Create or Document/CreateBatch API's.
It requires also a signer to be defined. Enter the Signer Individual Identification Code (in Brazil it's the CPF) in the Signer field below and then follow one of the examples to send the list of document keys to be signed.
This example allows to simulate the choice of documents to be signed by singer informed in the Signer field above.
Enter each document key in the corresponding text box and select which one you want to sign.
This example also allows to sign documents by signer informed before in the Signer field. Fill the field below with all keys of the documents separated by comma.
Ex.: 73E473C2035BB500,57B07619CE8775BB,66EEAF1E55143D8C,D42EB6939C3BA2D,8A5A3B2BA48F2C16